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The Queensland Women's Health Network continues the tradition of women pursuing the health interests of women. It begins with recognition of the dignity of all women and builds on the commitment of all those who have worked to improve women's health in Australian society.

The Network was formed in 1986 out of a continuing concern to expand the existing system of health care to give attention to the unique experience of women.

The Network in Queensland is linked with similar networks in other States and the Territories through the Australian Women's Health Network.


- to provide a voice for women's health issues

- to promote a broad definition of women's health based on a social view of health

- to provide a woman-centred analysis of all models of health care and research

- to support and foster regional women's health networks

- to support and foster the development of women's health services for women by women

- to lobby and advocate on issues affecting women's health

- to provide a framework for consultation with women on strategies for the formation and implementation of policy on health issues

- to co-ordinate the sharing of information, skills and resources to maximise women's effectiveness and to strengthen the Queensland Women's Health Network

- to provide support for informed and effective participation of women in all decision-making which affects health and well-being

- to promote equity within the health system and equitable access to services for all women, in particular those women disadvantaged by race, class, education, age, poverty, sexuality, disability, geographical location, cultural isolation and language

- to work towards securing women's control over and responsibility for our own sexual health and reproduction

  "When you make a world tolerable for yourself, you make a world tolerable for others." Anais Nin (1903-1977) US writer.

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Site designed and created by Jeane