We are interested in obtaining feedback on the
quality of the website, and issues and topics you would like to see
included. Also if you have any contributions, quotes, stories, 'What's On' information, please forward details for perusal to
Or alternatively contact us via one of the following
TELEPHONE: (07) 4789 0665
FAX: (07) 4789 0647
POST: PO Box 1855, Thuringowa BC QLD 4817,
A list of current Committee Members and Regional Representatives can be found on the Management Committee
& Regional Reps page and they can be contacted via the above
To register your compliments or complaints regarding QWHN, in the first instance please contact the Coordinator by telephone or
email as above to discuss the issue. If no resolution is reached, please
address your comments in writing to The Chairperson, Queensland Women's
Health Network Inc., PO Box 1855, Thuringowa BC QLD 4817, Australia. For
full details of the complaints procedure please email