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AUSTRALIAN BREASTFEEDING ASSOCIATION - The Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) is Australia's largest breastfeeding information and support service. Breastfeeding is a practical, learned skill and ABA help more than 80,000 mothers each year. ABA also provides up-to-date information and continuing education for thousands of health professionals working with mothers and babies. 


BREAST CANCER NETWORK AUSTRALIA - Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) works to ensure that Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care appropriate to their individual needs. BCNA is the peak national organisation for Australians affected by breast cancer, and consists of a network of more than 100,000 members and 300 Member Groups.



BreastScreen Queensland has been providing Queensland women with quality breast cancer screening services for 20 years. They are the only nationally accredited breast cancer screening provider in Queensland offering free screening and assessment, to eligible women, using the latest digital mammography technology. For more information, or to book an appointment, call 132050.


CHILDREN BY CHOICE - Children by Choice offers pro-choice, all-options pregnancy counselling, information and referrals Queensland-wide, for women experiencing unplanned pregnancy. 


ETHNIC COMMUNITIES COUNCIL OF QLD - ECCQ has been funded by Queensland Health to engage with refugee and migrant communities to improve their awareness of communicable diseases, and reduce the risk factors which would result in higher infection rates.


FAMILY PLANNING - FPQ provides specialist reproductive health services for women across Queensland.   FPQ is also a leading provider of high-quality training for professionals.


GYNAECOLOGICAL AWARENESS INFORMATION NETWORK (GAIN) -  GAIN is an information service for women which brings together all gynaecological issues and raises awareness of the importance of knowing risks, symptoms and diseases of gynaecological health.


JEAN HAILES FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH - Jean Hailes for Women's Health was created to provide women with information, knowledge and clinical care to assist them to actively manage their own health and wellbeing throughout the whole of their life.



The Mobile Women's Health Service is made up of specially trained registered nurses based throughout Queensland who provide a free and confidential service for Queensland women. The service aims to improve the health and wellbeing of women in rural and remote areas of Queensland. It provides: cervical screening (Pap smears), breast care, sexual health screening; and also provides information and support on: family planning and contraception, menopause and hormone replacement, osteoporosis, bladder problems, period concerns, sexualilty concerns, puberty, domestic violence and sexual assault, healthy lifestyles including nutrition, weight and stress management.


ROYAL AUSTRALIAN & NZ COLLEGE OF OBSTETRICIANS AND GYNECOLOGISTS - Includes a host of information and resources for women and practitioners.


SEXUAL HEALTH INFORMATION NETWORKING AND EDUCATION SOUTH AUSTRALIA (SHINE SA) - SHine SA is the lead sexual health agency in South Australia working in partnership with government, health, education and community agencies and communities to improve the sexual health and wellbeing of South Australians. Site includes information about sexual health and wellbeing. 


WOMEN'S HEALTH QUEENSLAND WIDE Women's Health Queensland Wide (Women's Health) is a not for profit health promotion, information and education service for women and health professionals throughout Queensland.


Healthy Ageing Links

Violence Against Women Links

Emotional and Mental Health Links

General Women's Health and Other Links


  "The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can to be me." Mae C Jemison (1957-   ) US astronaut.

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Site designed and created by Jeane

Updated: March 2015