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ACON - ACON is New South Wales’ leading health promotion organisation specialising in HIV and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) health.


AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL: STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN -  Amnesty International's 'Stop Violence Against Women' page details an extensive range of International Campaigns to stop violence against women.


AUSTRALIAN INDIGENOUS HEALTH INFO NET - The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is an innovative Internet resource that aims to inform practice and policy in Indigenous health by making research and other knowledge readily accessible.



The Australian Lesbian Medical Association (ALMA) was founded in 1999 for lesbian doctors, lesbian medical students and their partners. ALMA provides a supportive network to its members through advocacy, mentoring and social activities. Also see: DocLIST (below) an online list of doctors and mental health professionals.


HOMELESSNESS AUSTRALIA (Formerly AUSTRALIAN FEDERATION OF HOMELESSNESS ORGANISATIONS) - Homelessness Australia (HA) is the national peak body for homelessness in Australia. Homelessness Australia works in collaboration with homelessness assistance services, state and national homelessness peak organisations, other peak organisations, government agencies and the broader community.


AUSTRALIAN WOMEN'S HEALTH NETWORK (AWHN) - The Australian Women’s Health Network is a health promotion advocacy organisation that provides a national voice on women’s health, based on informed consultation with members. Through the application of a social view of health, it provides a woman-centred analysis of all models of health and medical care and research. It maintains that women’s health is a key social and political issue and must be allocated adequate resources to make a real difference.


BIRTHING BUSINESS IN THE BUSH - (Archive, 2004)  This archived website was prepared to be used as a resource for maternity service providers working in remote communities. The contents are mainly 'Women's Business' and there are some sections that should not be read by men. The overarching aim of this site is to improve the health of women and babies in pregnancy, childbirth and early infancy by assisting maternity service providers to understand issues that are specific to remote area Aboriginal women's business.


BOWEL CANCER AUSTRALIA - Bowel Cancer Australia's vision is to reduce incidence, death and suffering associated with bowel cancer through advocacy, awareness, education, support and research.


CEREBRAL PALSY LEAGUE OF QUEENSLAND -  The Cerebral Palsy League of Queensland aims to provide quality services and support which will enable and empower people with cerebral palsy and related disabilities to create and access opportunities to lead valued lives as respected and equal members of society within their family and community. Their website provides access to information on their library, an online catalogue, services available, career information and how you can help.


CANADIAN WOMEN'S HEALTH NETWORK - The Canadian Women’s Health Network (CWHN) was created in 1993 as a voluntary national organization to improve the health and lives of girls and women in Canada and the world by collecting, producing, distributing and sharing knowledge, ideas, education, information, resources, strategies and inspirations.


CARER'S QUEENSLAND - Carers Queensland represents the diverse needs and interests of carers in Queensland. They empower carers by providing carers with information, education,  advocacy, counselling and other support services that may assist them in their caring role.


COALITION FOR A FEMINIST AGENDA - A coalition of feminist women committed to working with like-minded others to create a new and fairer global agenda, with women's voices at its centre.


DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITIES, CHILD SAFETY AND DISABILITY SERVICES QUEENSLAND -  The Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services works to make our state great by strengthening connections between individuals, families and communities.


DocLIST DocLIST is an online list of doctors and mental health professionals recommended by lesbian and bisexual women.  It is a national resource administered by the Australian Lesbian Medical Association. Lesbian and bisexual women can go to the DocLIST to find or recommend a doctor or mental health professional. The new Links section is a table of over 600 national and state-based organisations which may be of interest to lesbian, bisexual and queer women.


economic Security4Women (eS4W)

economic Security4Women (eS4W) is a national women’s alliance, funded by the Australian Government through the Office for Women. It is an alliance of women’s organisations united in the belief that economic wellbeing and financial security are essential for women and will enable women of all ages to have an equal place in society.


Equality Rights Alliance

Equality Rights Alliance (ERA) is Australia’s largest network of organisations with an interest in advancing women’s equality. ERA has a focus on gender equality, women’s leadership and women’s diversity, including bringing young women’s voices to policy and decision making.



ETHNIC COMMUNITIES COUNCIL OF QLD - ECCQ has been funded by Queensland Health to engage with refugee and migrant communities to improve their awareness of communicable diseases, and reduce the risk factors which would result in higher infection rates.


GOLDFIELDS WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE CENTRE -  he Goldfield's Women's Health Care Centre is a not for profit organization providing clinical services, health information and referral for women in the Kalgoorlie Goldfields region of Western Australia.


HEALTHDIRECT AUSTRALIA - First established in 2006 as the National Health Call Centre Network Ltd (NHCCN), Healthdirect Australia is jointly funded by the Council of Australian Governments. Healthdirect Australia provides all Australians with access to health information and advice. No matter where people live, or what time of the day or night it is, they can talk to a health professional, find trusted advice online about the appropriate care for their health issue and find the closest local services that are open when they need them.


INFOXCHANGE AUSTRALIA SERVICE SEEKER -  Australia's most extensive directory of community support services providing access to 343,771 health, welfare and community service records.


INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (IWDA) - International Women's Development Agency IWDA is the leading Australian agency entirely focussed on women’s rights and gender equality in the Asia Pacific region.


JEAN HAILES FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH - Jean Hailes for Women's Health was created to provide women with information, knowledge and clinical care to assist them to actively manage their own health and wellbeing throughout the whole of their life.


National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance (NATSIWA)

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women's Alliance (NATSIWA), is aimed at empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women to make strong, strategic and effective policy advocacy interventions into issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women.


NATIONAL RURAL WOMEN'S COALITION (NRWC) -  Representing over 250,000 rural, regional and remote Australian women, their families, communities and associated networks, the National Rural Women’s Coalition (NRWC) is the national peak body for six specific-purpose women’s groups, a number of Indigenous groups and several additional collaborative agreements.


National Women’s Alliances

The five National Women’s Alliances (the Alliances) represent over 180 women’s organisations. They bring forward the views, voices and issues of Australian women and, in particular, women from marginalised and disadvantaged groups.


National Women's Health Policy - The New National Women's Health Policy was released by the Australian Federal Government on 29 December 2010.


OFFICE FOR WOMEN - OfW undertakes a range of work within the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) including: Providing policy advice and support to Prime Minister and the Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Women through a coordinated approach to the development and implementation of Government policies focussed on: improving gender equality and support for women’s economic empowerment, safety and leadership; and other initiatives such as (but not limited to) supporting and representing Australian women's voices on a global level.


QUEENSLANDERS WITH DISABILITY NETWORK - QDN is a Queensland-wide network of people with disability, and is run and managed by people with disability for people with disability.


QLD GOVERNMENT OFFICE FOR WOMEN -  Site has useful information for women on career and independence, health, support, safety, parents and families, and seniors.


QLD PROGRAM OF ASSISTANCE TO SURVIVORS OF TORTURE AND TRAUMA (QPASTT) - QPASTT provides a range of services to people from refugee backgrounds, including asylum seekers, who have survived torture or war related trauma to help them to recover from their experiences.


SISTERS INSIDE - An independent organisation, which exists to advocate for the human rights of women in the criminal justice system in Queensland, and to address gaps in the services available to them.


THE SOCIETY FOR WOMEN'S HEALTH RESEARCH The Society for Women’s Health Research is a non-profit organisation whose mission is to improve the health of all women through research, education and advocacy.


UN WOMEN -  In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women. UN Women is a dynamic and strong champion for women and girls, providing them with a powerful voice at the global, regional and local levels.


WOMENSPACE - Womenspace is a sacred space for women, woven with the threads of harmony, compassion and joy. It is a place to reflect and regenerate, to nurture spirituality, to participate, make new connections and access a wide selection of creative workshop opportunities.


WOMEN'S LEGAL SERVICE INC - Women’s Legal Service is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal and social work services to Queensland women.


WOMEN'S HEALTH GOULBURN NORTH EAST - Women’s Health Goulburn North East (WHGNE) is the government-funded specialist women's health service for the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria. WHGNE is a dynamic, independent, feminist organisation committed to improving the health, safety and well-being of women in the Goulburn Valley and North East Victoria.


WOMEN'S HEALTH QUEENSLAND WIDE Women's Health Queensland Wide (Women's Health) is a not for profit health promotion, information and education service for women and health professionals throughout Queensland.


WOMEN WITH DISABILITIES AUSTRALIA - Women With Disabilities Australia (WWDA) is the peak organisation for women with all types of disabilities in Australia. WWDA is run by women with disabilities, for women with disabilities. It is the only organisation of its kind in Australia and one of only a very small number internationally.


YWCA OF AUSTRALIA - YWCA Australia is the national association of YWCAs in Australia and is part of the world YWCA movement. We are a women-led organisation that achieves positive change by providing advocacy, programs and services for women, families and communities.


ZIGZAG - Zig Zag Young Women’s Resource Centre Inc. is a community based not-for-profit organisation in Brisbane that provides a number of services to young women and the wider community. Services include counselling and support to young women who have experienced sexual assault and medium term supported housing to young women who are homeless.


Healthy Ageing Links

Violence Against Women Links

Emotional and Mental Health Links

Reproductive Health Links


  "There are very good things about Western medicine. (But) traditional medicine is more about sharing and helping one another, and if you are paid it's related to how much the patient can afford." Yolanda, health promoter, Guatemala.

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Site designed and created by Jeane

Updated: March 2015